Wednesday, September 30, 2009


john gosseling. why don't you try stepping up and being a father? why don't you try saving yourself anymore humiliation and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take out your mid-life crisis diamond earrings and stop dressing like a twenty-something. i know you are trying to re-live your "glory days" and i'm so sorry to be the one to break the news to you, but YOUR glory days, mr. father of 8, are OVER! time to grow up and be a man.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

we miss you.

even though you're gone, you still manage to make my day a little better...
words can't express how much we miss you big dre.

Monday, September 28, 2009

a little update and then some...

hello friends and family! i'm alive! some of you have asked me where i have been and why i haven't updated this thing lately...turns out i'm not so great at the whole commitment thing...but that's a whole other topic entirely!

so, for the handful of people that read this to pass some time in your day, i apologize to YOU. i am back and i will work on my commitment issues. (no promises.) :)

i am STILL at my "new" job. 3 months and going strong! it's a lot more difficult than i expected, but they haven't fired me yet! (notice the "yet.") i am in the world of marketing/sales/advertising which is already a difficult task, so our wonderful economy isn't really helping me out much. if this doesn't work out, do NOT be alarmed when you see an ad in the penny saver in the personal section-- "young woman, 24, looking for a RICH man."
it's good to know i have options. :)

my baby brother and sister are officially BELLA VISTA HIGH SCHOOL students. wow. i just aged myself. i can't believe how old they are. matt made the freshman soccer team (go matt!) and maddi is busy beating off the boys with a stick! :) makensie is almost as tall as me...and cuter than ever! chrissy is still doing the college/work thing...a.k.a the i can't wait until this is over thing. my mom and tommy are busy being a soccer coach, a room mom, PTA, neighborhood watch... you know, the usual. :)

life is good...

i hope everyone had a GREAT summer...
here's to an even better fall.

till next time...