Here's a couple of pictures of how we celebrated St. Patties Day AND my 24th!!!
I think neon green is a good look for us!!! :)
Hi fam and friends!!!!
Sorry I haven't been around in a while! I've been a little busy these days and kind of put blogging on the back burner. Here's a little update for everyone... :)
I turned 24 last week! Maddi and Matt turned 14 and my dad turned 40! Needless to say, my house was a little or A LOT crazy with a ton of birthday festivities!! I spent my birthday downtown the old fashion "IRISH way!" We can just leave it at that! :) Maddi and Matt had some friends over, which you know had to be a calm and quiet night for my parents... (ya right!) and my dad celebrated the big 40, eating some sushi followed by dancing to some 80's hits!!
I am leaving for VEGAS in 2 weeks! I am SO excited! I will be gone for 3 days working the COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS which will be on CBS so make sure to tune in! ALSO, I got asked to work the MISS USA PAGEANT in VEGAS.... which is ALSO in April! I will barely have enough time to come home and unpack from my 1st trip!!! I am really looking forward to getting back into doing what I love! I'll keep you posted! :)
Other than all that, I am keeping busy with work and trying to grasp where 22 and 23 went?!?! I hope everyone is well... and enjoying SPRING so far! (even though it's FREEZING outside!)