Friday, February 27, 2009


hello everyone!
happy friday!

a lot of you have asked me where i've been and why i haven't been blogging lately...
(ok, ok, i lied... just my grandma asked me that) :)

WELL, i have to say i haven't really felt that creative bug lately,
which is surprising because if you know me,
you know i ALWAYS have something to say!! :)

in exactly 18 days... st. patties day...
i will be 24 years old!!!
i'm still trying to figure out where 22 and 23 went!!
let the official countdown begin :)

ALSO, i just booked my VEGAS trip! i was asked to work the
again this year, and honestly could NOT be more EXCITED!!!

these next few weeks i have A LOT going on...
so for all of you people who actually read this thing (grandma)
PLEASE be patient with me!! :)

hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

picture of the day.

i love love love this picture! this is in NYC in times square.
pretty sure WE ALL can relate to this is some way or another...

think about it...

happy monday everyone!

Friday, February 20, 2009

happy birthday grandpa!

i know it's a day late and a buck short...
BUT, i hope you had a fabulous day celebrating the BIG 60! :)

you are one of my FAVORITE men in the world...
and i will always have the best memories of
when i was kid of sitting in your garage with you,
while you drank a coke...
or when you would come over before we went to school
and without fail, brought a dozen donuts!
(i'm sure mom loved that too!!) :)

you are a great man, father and MOST importantly, grandpa!
(it does help that you have some pretty amazing grand kids!!) :)
i love you more than you can EVER imagine...
thank you for everything over the years...

happy 60th birthday!!!

love always,

My top 25!

1. i love garth brooks. LOVE him.

2. i'm always one of the boys.

3. music is truly my life.

4. i won "biggest little kid" in high school.

5. i've grown up in church. faith is my foundation.

6. i've gone to mexico twice to do mission work and would LOVE to go back.

7. i want to honeymoon in paris. :) (a girl can dream!!)

8. i love love love football (Go Colts!!)

9. i coach little girls in soccer. it's amazing.

10. working for dr. phil was one of the greatest things i've ever done.

11. i have a fabulous roommate.

12. i've had the same best friend since i was 10 and she is my everything.

13. i have a daughter who weighs 3 pounds and can fit in a tea cup. ;)

14. country music is my life.

15. i love food. LOVE it. :)

16. i'm freakishly good at text messaging.

17. i can't wait to be a mom.

18. i miss hollywood every single day.

19. if i could go back and do high school over again, i would be less concerned with the boy i liked and more focused on doing better in spanish, math and biology.

20. i was a cheerleader my freshman year and wish i could STILL do it.

21. watching the ellen degeneres show can honestly make my day better.

22. i miss and think about my dad everyday.

23. i'm a hopeless romantic.

24. i don't cry easy. (only in hallmark commercials) ;)

25. i am shameless to a fault. it's my BEST and WORST quality :)

happy friday everyone!
have a FABULOUS weekend!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

quote of the day.

"the day will come after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, that we shall harness for God the energies of LOVE... and on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire."

Friday, February 13, 2009

all you need is L-O-V-E.

valentines day... you either love it, or hate it. for most, it's the day to celebrate your love for that special someone in your life... for others, it's the day that comes around once a year to remind you that you do NOT have a special someone in your life. hallmark makes thousands, candy stores and flower shops also profit substantially... and for the REST of us... a local blockbuster video store and liquor mart get our business. because what's a valentines day alone without a bottle of chardonnay and some sappy chick flick?!?!

so, while i do NOT have a significant other in my life...

i DO have MANY people i LOVE and A LOT to be in LOVE with...

1. my family. mom, dad, chrissy, maddi, matt and makensie. you are my heart and soul.

2. my friends. all of them... I LOVE each and everyone of you. without you, i would be lost...i am lucky enough to be able to say there are WAY too many to list, but i am a better person because of EACH of you.

3. my grandma hayward a.k.a howard. :) she is one of my favorite women in the world. she is ALWAYS here for me... no questions asked. she's amazing.

4. my roommate miss ana sullivan. she never fails to make me laugh. i couldn't have picked someone better to live with... i love love love love her and she's going to do BIG things.

5. the robins (a.k.a. my 2nd family) i've mentioned them before and will continue to mention them over and over and over. they are my home away from home... some of the most fabulous people you will ever meet and their daughter who just happens to be one of my best friends... she's going to change the world one day. :)

6. CHRISTINA NOEL HILL. half of my heart and my little (sometimes wiser) sister :) she truly is my everything. i don't make sense without her.

7. eydie whipple (my co-worker/2nd mom/great friend/therapist) this woman puts up with me (which we all know is A LOT) every single day from 9-5. she is always willing to listen to my CRAZY stories... you seriously have NO idea how much money i've saved on therapy!! :)

9. my job. of course it isn't where i thought i would be at this point in my life... BUT, that's the way it goes sometimes. i work with great people, who have become more like family than bosses. i am VERY blessed.

10. and last but not least... ME. it was one hell of a 2008. but i made it. i'm a little stronger, a little tougher, and A LOT happier. i'm proud of myself for the decisions i've made and the person i've become.

happy valentines day to all of you!

each of you have made my life so fabulous just by being in it...

i really do think i am the LUCKIEST girl in the world!



Wednesday, February 11, 2009

or so i thought...

so, i thought that i would confirm that the movie "he's just not that into you"... is REALLY onto something here...
i was recently set up on a blind date. of course feeling a little (or A LOT) apprehensive i accepted the invitation. we met at chevy's for a drink and some casual conversation, and what could have resulted in absolute disaster, turned out to be a nice evening out with a good looking, charming man. or so i THOUGHT...
after that initial meeting, we had exchanged a few text messages, and i thought that maybe just MAYBE, blind dates weren't that terrible after all... again i go THINKING again...
so, last night... i decided to send mystery man a text message inviting him to grab a drink with me sometime this week... what i received as a response was TRULY comical.


note* (this was an actual conversation held between two people. you CAN'T make this stuff up.) :)

me: "would you be interested in getting a drink sometime this week?"

him: "sorry, starting to feel like i have caught a cold. i can't get sick right now, maybe another time."

YES, he REALLY did say that to me, and if you're wondering, (because i know you are) NO i did NOT respond back to that pathetic excuse for a response. he could have told me he had to wash his hair and that would have been equally as ridiculous.
i would like to also include, this "man" is 32 years old. i guess growing up is out of the question once you hit 25? hmmmm...

so, ladies... this is a warning to all of you who are considering seeing a "man" who seems to have "it together"... someone who YOU WOULD THINK, would have the decency to reject you in a way that isn't COMPLETELY ridiculous, (if that's even possible) ... YOU WOULD THINK, that men get into their 30's and they GROW UP...
ya, guess what ladies... STOP THINKING. they don't.
happy blind dating to all!

Monday, February 9, 2009

he's just NOT that into you.

"Men don’t forget how much they like you. So put down the phone."

pretty sure i learned more from the movie "he's just not that into you" than i did from all my years in school!
i recommend EVERY woman go see this movie!
what's so funny is, it's information we ALL know, yet we STILL manage to make excuses, we STILL continue to get anxious everytime our phone rings in hopes that it might be him,
we STILL hope we WILL be the girl that makes him change his ways...
and we STILL tell our friends "trust me, he's different."
BUT, the plain and simple truth is this...

YOU probably will NOT change him.

if he act's like he DOESN'T care, it's because he probably DOESN'T.

An excuse is a polite rejection. Men are NOT afraid of "ruining the friendship."

men usually ALWAYS have a "plan B." YOU should TOO!

if he hasn't called, he PROBABLY won't.

Now, i KNOW there is ALWAYS an exception... i've dated a couple of those "exceptions."
i know not EVERY guy has alterior motives... and i know that girls are sometimes EQUALLY to blame and SOMTIMES (very rarely) WORSE!

moral of the story gentlemen... if you say you're going to call... CALL!
GIRLS... if he doesn't call, don't sweat it. (note to self) :)

...because one day,
he's going to wake up and realize how great you are,
and when he does...
YOU will be waking up next to the guy who already knew.

Friday, February 6, 2009

happy friday.

first, just a heads up, i changed my e-mail address to
PLEASE start e-mailing me there! :)

well, we all made it thru another week! give yourself a pat on the back!! now, it's time for two days of NOT having to wake up to an alarm and NOT having to go to work OR school!
i hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! be safe, and in the words of my wise mother...
"make good decisions!"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

happy birthday mom!

the most beautiful, intelligent, best friend you could ask for, amazing wife and greatest woman i know is celebrating her 40th birthday today... my mom.

she is everything to me...

it's funny to me how i thought once i was older, i would need her less... turns out i've NEVER needed her more. i have been so blessed to grow up with her as my role model, as a mother, wife and as a friend.

i promise you will not meet someone who can make you laugh like she does, and her smile alone could light up sacramento.
most importantly she has instilled the most wonderful values in me, and everything i am today... is because of her.

i spent most of my teenage years thinking "i hope i'm never like her!"

...and now i couldn't ask for anything more. :)

happy birthday mom!
i love you more than you will EVER know, you truly are the most amazing, incredible woman i know and i aspire to be more like you everyday.

40 years young... and absolutely FABULOUS!


"...She's somebody's hero,
A hero to her baby with a skinned up knee,
A little kiss is all she needs,
The keeper of the cheerios,
The voice that brings Snow White to life,
Bedtime stories every night,
And that smile lets her know,
She's somebody's hero..."

Monday, February 2, 2009

back to reality.

soooo it's monday... meaning, back to work, back to school... back to reality. i will have to say this weekend was quite eventful and BOY am i tired this morning! :)


friday night: GIRLS NIGHT downtown! needless to say, what happens WITH the girls, stays WITH the girls! :) i can however tell you, we DID sleep 4 girls in gina's bed (and let's not forget the 2 dogs!)

saturday night: dinner with jen's family. A.K.A my 2nd family! per usual, i ate TOO much... and then movie night with the roomie and jen! :)

sunday FUN-DAY: SUPER BOWL! of course the GREATEST team wasn't playing... THE COLTS! BUT, i managed to find it in me to go for the CARDINALS, who also let me down!! the plus side, was the halftime show, i LOVE LOVE LOVE bruce springsteen!!!
and of keep up with tradition... i AGAIN chose to eat TOO much!

NOW, here i am at work on monday, FULLY regretting having a little TOO much fun this weekend! :)

i can NOT wait to be at home on my couch for monday night t.v.! BEST line-up EVER!

i hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

...good luck with YOUR monday blues! :)